Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Individual heating points manufactured by Ankor-Teploenergo are mainly designed for independent (closed) connection schemes of hot water supply and heating systems. A high economic effect is achieved through the use of automated ITPS precisely when switching to independent (closed) connection schemes of end consumers.

ITP allows you to:

  • - prepare water for hot water systems;
  • - regulate and distribute the flow of the coolant through the heat consumption systems;
  • - protect local heat consumption systems in case of an emergency increase in the parameters of the coolant;
  • - energize and fill central heating systems;
  • - keep records of heat flows and condensate flow rates;
  • - collect and cool condensate, return it to a centralized system, and accumulate heat;



All Ankor-Teploe'nergo products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Ankor-Teploe'nergo: individual heat points, welded and collapsible plate heat exchangers, flushing plants for heat exchangers, Bernoulli filters, pasteurizers, coolers, heaters, waste flue gas disposal systems, heat exchangers for heat treatment of gases and air, Alambik extraction and distillation plants
  • Ind. thermal points Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Ind. thermal points
    thermal modules, etc.
  • Spiral heat exchangers Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Spiral heat exchangers
    heaters, coolers, etc.
  • Welded heat exchangers Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Welded heat exchangers
    collapsible, non-collapsible, etc.
  • Collapsible heat exchangers Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Collapsible heat exchangers
    shirokokanalnye, polurazb., etc.
  • Flushing installations Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Flushing installations
    AT-2, AT-4, AT-10, AT-18, etc.
  • Pasteurizers Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    coolers, heaters, etc.
  • Gas disposal systems Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Gas disposal systems
    welded, collapsible, etc.
  • Heat exchangers for gases Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Heat exchangers for gases
    welded, collapsible, etc.
  • Alambik Installations Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Alambik Installations
    extraction-distillation. et al .
  • Bernoulli Filters Ankor-Teploe'nergo
    Bernoulli Filters
    self-cleaning filters, etc.

About Ankor-Teploe'nergo

For more than 25 years, Ankor-Teploenergo has been one of the leading design and engineering organizations in the field of production of plate heat exchangers for various industries. A distinctive feature of the company is an innovative approach to the execution of work-from the development of the latest technical solutions, to the delivery and implementation of high-level technologies.
  • technologies

    Ankor-Teploenergo has a high-tech production base equipped with modern welding, pressing and metalworking equipment.
  • experience

    The long-term experience and professionalism of the company's employees allows us to design and manufacture products for tasks of any complexity in the shortest possible time.
  • potential

    The scientific, technical and production potential of the company is confirmed by hundreds of successfully implemented projects, implemented developments, heat exchange equipment at many enterprises.

Information Board Ankor-Teploe'nergo

Learn more about our products Ankor-Teploe'nergo.
  • Catalog of heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo изготовителя Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Catalog of heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Catalog of Bernoulli filters Ankor-Teploenergo марки Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Catalog of Bernoulli filters Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for Ankor-Teploenergo heat exchangers от производителя Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for Ankor-Teploenergo heat exchangers
  • Questionnaire on Bernoulli filters Ankor-Teploenergo бренда Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire on Bernoulli filters Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for pasteurizers Ankor-Teploenergo марки Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for pasteurizers Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for the Alambik extraction and distillation unit марки Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for the Alambik extraction and distillation unit
  • Questionnaire for spiral heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo на сайте Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for spiral heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire on gas utilization systems Ankor-Teploenergo в магазине Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire on gas utilization systems Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for washing installations Ankor-Teploenergo поставщика Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for washing installations Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire on heat exchangers for gases and air Ankor-Teploenergo изготовителя Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire on heat exchangers for gases and air Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for collapsible heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo из каталога Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for collapsible heat exchangers Ankor-Teploenergo
  • Questionnaire for individual heating points Ankor-Teploenergo поставщика Анкор-Теплоэнерго
    Questionnaire for individual heating points Ankor-Teploenergo


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