Heat exchangers for gases Ankor-Teploe'nergo welded, collapsible, etc.
A gas heat exchanger is a package of plates placed in a collapsible or all-welded housing. With the help of welds, channel systems are formed for the movement of working media. The collapsible design of the heat exchanger provides access to a package of heat exchange plates for revision, cleaning, repair. It is possible to combine several packages of heat exchange plates in one housing of the device.
The range of application of heat exchangers for heat treatment of air and gases:
- The area of one plate is from 0.1 to 2.0 m2
- Heat exchange area (in one unit) from 0.2 to 12000,0 m2
- Plate thickness from 1.0 to 6.0 mm
- The interplate gap is from 4.0 to 30.0 mm
- Channel width from 160 to 2000 mm
- Temperature from -200 to +950 °C
All Ankor-Teploe'nergo products
About Ankor-Teploe'nergo
Ankor-Teploenergo has a high-tech production base equipped with modern welding, pressing and metalworking equipment. -
The long-term experience and professionalism of the company's employees allows us to design and manufacture products for tasks of any complexity in the shortest possible time. -
The scientific, technical and production potential of the company is confirmed by hundreds of successfully implemented projects, implemented developments, heat exchange equipment at many enterprises.
Information Board Ankor-Teploe'nergo
- (727)345-47-04
- (3955)60-70-56
- (8182)63-90-72
- (8512)99-46-04
- (3852)73-04-60
- (4722)40-23-64
- (4162)22-76-07
- (4832)59-03-52
- (8352)28-53-07
- (351)202-03-61
- (8202)49-02-64
- (3022)38-34-83
- (395)279-98-46
- (4932)77-34-06
- (3412)26-03-58
- (4012)72-03-81
- (4842)92-23-67
- (843)206-01-48
- (3842)65-04-62
- (4212)92-98-04
- (8332)68-02-04
- (4966)23-41-49
- (4942)77-07-48
- (861)203-40-90
- (391)204-63-61
- (3522)50-90-47
- (4712)77-13-04
- (4742)52-20-81
- (3519)55-03-13
- (375)257-127-884
- (495)268-04-70
- (8152)59-64-93
- (8552)20-53-41
- (831)429-08-12
- (3843)20-46-81
- (383)227-86-73
- (3496)41-32-12
- (3812)21-46-40
- (4862)44-53-42
- (3532)37-68-04
- (8412)22-31-16
- (342)205-81-47
- (8142)55-98-37
- (8112)59-10-37
- (863)308-18-15
- (4912)46-61-64
- (812)309-46-40
- (846)206-03-16
- (8342)22-96-24
- (845)249-38-78
- (8692)22-31-93
- (3652)67-13-56
- (4812)29-41-54
- (862)225-72-31
- (8652)20-65-13
- (3462)77-98-35
- (8212)25-95-17
- (4752)50-40-97
- (998)71-205-18-59
- (8482)63-91-07
- (3822)98-41-53
- (4872)33-79-87
- (4822)63-31-35
- (3452)66-21-18
- (347)229-48-12
- (3012)59-97-51
- (8422)24-23-59
- (8672)28-90-48
- (4922)49-43-18
- (423)249-28-31
- (844)278-03-48
- (8172)26-41-59
- (473)204-51-73
- (4112)23-90-97
- (4852)69-52-93
- (343)384-55-89